
Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Ok, it's past midnight right now yet I'm wide awake. I just finished an outline for my research speech. I know I know I'm being a procrastinator. But the truth is I couldn't figure out my topic until about three hours ago!! I racked my brain no joke. I couldn't seem to think of anything suitable. Our teacher wants us to choose something that we can tie into a persuasive speech, which is what we'll be working on right after Spring Break. So I was trying to think along those lines. I came up with Reality Television. I don't deny that there are a few shows I find myself craving... (ahem... Amazing Race anyone?) Yet sometimes I get really annoyed at some of the ones they have out there, and just the fact that there are so MANY, and ALSO, some of this "reality" TV isn't so real ya know. Who the heck started up that one FAKE-butt show, Laguna Beach or whatever. Look I'm sorry I watched an episode of one of those, and if that's REAL, than I MUST be from another planet.
phew.... ok I've gotten that out, feel much better now. Anyway so yea, that's my toopic. Hope it goes well.
Alright soooo... taxes. The due dates coming up pretty soon, huh? Too bad I haven't the first clue on how to complete them. I was hoping that my wonderfully talented and intelligent brother would help me with them, but it seems that he's having some difficulty as well. Sheesh I don't want to go NEAR these papers. I took one look at the forms and my head ached for an hour.
So no movie reviews! I'm sorry everybody. Unfortunatley there just doesn't seem to be any quality films playing at the moment. HOWEVER there are two movies I have been anticapating for a few months now. One of them being V For Vendetta. I'm not exactly sure what the plot is but the preview looks extremely enticing. Love Natalie Portman ever since I saw... oh shoot what was it called... COME ON I READ THE BOOK!!!... Oh I can't remember but she gets locked in a Walmart and stuff GASP!! Where the Heart Is, THAT'S IT! hahah ok and then of course there is that new Johnny Depp movie (yummy...) coming out this Friday, The Libertine. I saw this preview a few months ago and was blown away by Johnny's intro. Have you seen it??? It's mouth watering... "Ladies, an announcement..." HOT HOT HOT. How does he do that...?
Speaking of announcements...Ashley's baby girl, Aurora, was born last Saturday!! I'm absolutely ecstatic for you, girl and am thinking of you constantly. I cannot wait to see Miss Aurora Elizabeth. I'll have to be careful though, I may turn into Lenny from Of Mice and Men.... I just love squeezing precious things! Anyway... yea SO HAPPY for you, babe.
Ok, can't think of anything else to write and it's probably a good idea for me to get under the covers. Love you all! Talk to you very soon. :-)



  • At 12:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Stephny,
    Great choice on speech topics. I too love reality TV, but most definitely not all of it. Amazing Race? check. American Idol? You betcha. Dancing With the Stars? I'm there. BUT-Mtv house or whatever? no thanks. And I have to admit that I've finally given up on Survivor. I know it was the first, and it WAS the best at one time, but Mark Burnett jumped the shark several seasons ago. I've been blindly going through the motions watching it the last couple years, and then when I missed a couple episodes this season and realized that I didn't even miss it at all, it was time to say good-bye. The tribe has spoken and all that.

    I agree with you about the lack of watchable movies out at the moment. I do want to see Phillip in Capote, he's always been a favorite. And the Libertine? You mean the Hottie-tine? Oh, yeeeaah. But try as I might, I'm just not a Natalie Portman fan. I did like Where the Heart Is, but her habit of not trying not to move her lips or any facial muscles when she speaks gets old, like, real fast. Her fake British accent on the V trailer ("neyo" for "no" with absolutely no inflection whatsoever) just doesn't do it for me, I'm sorry. I know the boys think she's hot, but it's lost on me. Ohh-sorry for the rant. Didn't know I had that in me just now.

    I was wondering about Ashley and her baby. Hope all is well!

    Love, Me.

  • At 4:24 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    well, I must say, I'm a regular at this site, now... and as for taxes? Ya, you can do them at H&R block, but they charged us 200 bucks to get our money in 2 days, but that was just an option we chose. they did all the paperwork for us!! And movies? I havn't been to the theater for 3 years.. so I don't even know what's cool until it's out in, I have to get out more...
    You picked a good topic, chika, good luck with that!
    ps oh, and did you know Tristan is gonna be 1yr old the 38th? so exited... and congrats, Ashley!! It's so awsome, huh?

  • At 4:25 PM, Blogger Sandy said…

    that's the

  • At 10:31 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Mom, I feel that it is now a MUST I get to seeing Capote. I remember watching the preview for it a while back and just being so excited to go and watch it, and seeing Philip and his new "voice" blew me away! So yea, I'm excited.

    Basement is looking awesome. Such hard work is being put into it, and it really shows. Very nice mama. :-)

    Ok yes, let's set up a day where maybe you, Tim and I can sit and take care of our taxes together. I think we're gonna need all our brains on this one...

    Thanks for you support on my topic! I really hope it goes well. When I was typing up my outline and writing out all the topics I wanted to discuss, it came to me very easily and I've become excited to do some research on it to see what I can find.

  • At 10:36 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    Hey Unka Shaina,

    I was hoping you would also be pleased with my topic! I am fully aware of your reality show watching, especially Amazing Race. Man, if they ARE doing another Family Race, we've GOT to sign up. We'd ROCK!

    You know... after doing a bit of research it seems that Survivor was totally NOT the first reality show! (I thought it was too!) But it was actually Candid Camera that was the first in 1953! Then a couple other shows like, An American Family, America's Most Wanted and of course, COPS in 1989! (Bad Boys, baby!) Survivor didn't arrive until the year 2000. Very interesting stuff!

    OK look, I totally know what you mean with Natalie Portman. Like I said, for the most part I do like her, but I agree with you on the whole... stiff expression thing. All three of the new Star Wars movies she was that way, couldn't stand it. Ever seen GardenState? She lightens up in that one.

  • At 10:37 PM, Blogger Stephanie said…

    SANDY!!!! Thank you for coming to see my site! Oh I'm all excited now! Happy EARLY Birthday to your precious baby boy. Wow, one year that's gotta feel pretty cool. :-) :-) :-)


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